
Unmasking the Silent Epidemic: A Dive into Heart Disease with Dr. Philip Ovadia


Heart disease has been the leading cause of death in the United States for over half a century. Despite significant advancements in medical technology and treatment methods, the rates of heart disease continue to rise. In this enlightening interview with renowned heart surgeon, Dr. Philip Ovadia, we delve into the root causes of this silent epidemic and explore potential solutions.

The Rise of Heart Disease

In the mid-1950s, heart disease began to skyrocket, quickly becoming the number one killer in the US. Despite decades of research and countless resources poured into combating this disease, we’ve made little progress in reducing its prevalence. Dr. Ovadia suggests that part of the problem lies in our approach. We’ve become so focused on treating heart disease that we’ve stopped thinking about why it’s occurring in the first place.



The Cultural Normalization of Sickness

Our society has normalized sickness to the point where we accept it as an inevitable part of aging. This perspective is not only harmful but also misguided. As Dr. Ovadia points out, we need to shift our focus from treating sick people to preventing sickness in the first place. This involves understanding the root causes of illnesses and promoting healthier lifestyles.

Debunking Heart Health Myths

One of the most pervasive myths in heart health is the role of cholesterol. For decades, we’ve been told that cholesterol is the enemy, the primary cause of heart disease. However, Dr. Ovadia challenges this conventional wisdom, shedding light on the fact that half of the patients that end up on the operating table don’t have high cholesterol.

The Role of Diet in Heart Disease

Two competing theories about the primary cause of heart disease emerged in the 1950s: one blamed fat and cholesterol in our diet, while the other pointed to sugar. Despite the lack of conclusive scientific evidence, the fat theory won out, shaping our dietary guidelines for decades. Dr. Ovadia argues that we need to reexamine these guidelines and consider the role of sugar and processed foods in our diet.

The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry has a pervasive influence on our healthcare system, from the funding of medical education to the development of dietary guidelines. This influence often leads to a focus on medication and treatment rather than prevention and lifestyle changes. Dr. Ovadia urges us to separate these interests and focus on the true science of health.

Taking Charge of Your Health

Ultimately, the responsibility for our health lies with us. We need to take charge, question conventional wisdom, and make informed decisions about our diet and lifestyle. As Dr. Ovadia points out, the food we eat is the most important input we give our body. If something’s not working properly in our body, we should first look at what we’re eating.


Our conversation with Dr. Ovadia reveals a dire need for a shift in our approach to heart health. We need to move away from a system that normalizes sickness and focuses on treatment, towards one that prioritizes prevention and promotes healthier lifestyles. It’s time to question our beliefs, take control of our health, and strive for a future where heart disease is no longer the number one killer.

Questions to ask your doctor

Dr. Ovadia recommends patients ask their doctors specific questions related to their metabolic health and overall well-being. Some of these questions may include:

  1. How do you approach metabolic health in your practice?
  2. What tests do you recommend for assessing my metabolic health?
  3. Can you help me understand my lab results and their implications for my metabolic health?
  4. What dietary and lifestyle changes do you suggest for improving my metabolic health?
  5. Are there any additional resources or support you can provide to help me on my health journey?

These questions can help patients better understand their doctor’s approach to metabolic health and ensure they are working with a healthcare professional who aligns with their health goals.

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James Miller

Hey, I'm James, podcaster, entrepreneur.

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