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Podcast James Miller November 5, 2022
One of the most important things we can do in life is to try and understand our own biases. We all have them, and they can distort our view of the world in all sorts of ways. If we don’t understand our biases, we may make bad decisions that have harmful consequences for ourselves and others. There are many different kinds of biases, but some of the most common are confirmation bias, self-serving bias, and sunk cost bias. Confirmation bias is when we tend to seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs, while self-serving bias is when we interpret information in a way that favors ourselves. Sunk cost bias is when we continue to invest in something even after it’s clear that it’s not worth it, simply because we’ve already invested so much. If we can become aware of these biases, we can start to make better decisions in all areas of our lives.
loss aversion is a natural human tendency that we can all relate to. But just because it’s natural doesn’t mean we have to give in to it. There are ways we can overcome our natural inclination to avoid losses, and make decisions that are more rational and objective. By understanding how loss aversion works, and what its limitations are, we can make better decisions in both our personal and professional lives. Thanks for listening. I hope you found this useful. Now go out there and make some decisions!
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